Java Customization Builder

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Get Java Customization Builder Demo (Build v2011.12.08)

      Download SWT Control Example with a Slimmed JRE 1.4 (Size: 2.10M)
      Download SWT Win32 Extension Example with a Slimmed JRE 1.4 (Size: 2.67M)
      Download Java 2D Example with a Slimmed JRE 1.4 (Size: 4.07M)
      Download Java SwingSet2 Example with a Slimmed JRE 1.4 (Size: 4.94M)

Got Java Customization Builder?

Java Customization Builder is a tool which customizes your java application and JRE.

It is a java application building tool enabling you to generate a very small java archive package which has a slimmed jre. For the swing application, the archive is less than 5M, for the SWT application, the archive is less than 3M usually. And the customed java applicaton can run on the Windows which doesn't install a JRE, and be loaded by an executable.

  • JCB can generate a smallest java applicaton archive by the verbose mode.
  • JCB can analyze the classes which may be missed in the verbose mode.
  • JCB can analyze the minimum required dlls and resource files in the jre.
  • JCB can customize the resource files in the java applicaton.
  • JCB can generate bat scripts running and debugging the java applicaton.
  • JCB can generate an exe launcher loading the java application.
  • JCB can use pack200 compress jars, and the exe launcher will unpack them when first run.
  • The exe launcher can search JDK or JRE in the local machine.
  • The exe launcher can pass the outside arguments to the java applcation.
  • You can customize the exe launcher behaviour by modifying the au3 script.
  • JCB supports JRE 1.4, JRE 5 and JRE 6.
  • By the way, the JCB application is created by the Java Customization Builder.